Ruck Your Way: Personalizing Workouts to Match Your Strengths

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Written By Justin

Husband. Entrepreneur. Professor. Author. Outdoorsman. Rucker.

I was reminded the other day that a) rucking is for everyone, and b) everyone comes to rucking with different abilities. Though the military folks in the rucking community might lug increasing amounts of weight, sometimes rucking with more than 100 on their backs, there are others of us who come to rucking not able (or wanting) to carry heavy weight but would rather provide more reasons to walk and hike. 

That’s why this week’s email is for ALL of us. Although this email is shorter than most other weeks, my goal with it is to introduce you to the idea of personalizing your rucking workout routines to fit YOU. 

Everyday Ruck

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Tailor-Made Rucking Workouts for Every Level

Though we’ve been rucking and discussing rucking (and rucking workouts) with our community (you) for some time, this awesome form of exercise meets mental boost is fast becoming the exercise du jour. Just this week, Newsweek, which is read by about 109 million people, published a story titled “Military-Inspired Workout Has ‘Huge Wins’ for Women, Says Personal Trainer”. Though the article doesn’t go into a lot of depth about rucking workouts per se, it does espouse the benefits of rucking for everyone. As someone who rucks not just for physical exercise but also as a way to disconnect from this laptop and my other digital devices, my favorite quote in this article is, “No one goes outside for a ruck and comes back in a bad mood!” 

Likewise, in an article published by EatingWell, titled “What Is Rucking and Is It Better Than Regular Walking? Here’s What Personal Trainers Say”, the author covers many of the benefits rucking offers, such as enhanced calories burned, increased strength, better cardiovascular health, and stronger bones. They go on to offer that “it’s essential to consider your fitness level, goals and potential joint issues before diving into rucking”. In other words, ruck your own ruck, not someone else’s!

This leads me to the crux of this email: though a lot of the exercises we share here are essentially for everyone, not everyone can or should perform them. Each of us has our own path, goals, time, and unique abilities, that we must consider when planning any workout, let alone a rucking workout. With that in mind, rather than post another rucking workout here, I’m extremely excited to announce that I’ve created the first version of a totally custom rucking workout generator meant to provide you with your own workout, based on your age, gender, goals, and equipment. 

My goal with this service is to continue to refine it so that it provides YOU with what you need to meet your goals while rucking safely…and most of all, enjoying yourself. And…as you’ll no doubt notice, the workouts are pretty similar to a lot of what’s been published by Ruckr in the past. That’s because we believe that the best workouts are simple and functional, and engage the body (and mind) in ways that promote long-term health and wellness. In other words, the best stuff never goes out of style.

My ask of you is this: please try this service and evaluate the workout it generates for you based on your own goals and abilities. If, for instance, it recommends weighted pushups and you know that you cannot perform a weighted pushup, please switch pushups for an exercise that you can do, perhaps knee push-ups. And, as with any workout routine, before starting, consult with a healthcare provider or personal trainer, and consider seeking advice from an experienced rucker. Begin with a lighter weight, gradually increasing it over time to reduce the risk of injury, and always pay attention to how your body feels throughout the process.

Finally, as a way of continually improving this new service (and the Ruckr newsletter), I would LOVE to your feedback via email and/or the short survey below.

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Quote of the week

I really enjoy the newsletter.  Sharon and I are in our 70’s and many of the exercise options are past our current abilities!  We spend our summer in northern Michigan where we have a large selection lf hiking and biking paths that are not as strenuous.  We miss the hiking out west so we have adjusted our mindsets and just enjoy the outdoors.  We are going to Utah and South Dakota on the way to Michigan next year and have several hikes we would like to try one more time.

Can’t wait to get back and do the Narrows hike at Zion again.  I tell you all this because we are not the only seniors trying to continue an active lifestyle.  Many discussions around the campfire discussing the best way to stay active. Remember the seniors!

Tip of the week: When life gives you hills, ruck them. It’s cheaper than therapy and builds killer calves!